CHAIR & OUTCOMES ADVISOR - ALICIA LUCKSTED, PhD - is a clinical-community psychologist and an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, University of Maryland School of Medicine. In addition, she is a research investigator at the Mental Illness Research, Education and Clinical Center (MIRECC) whose mission is to “support and enhance the recovery and community functioning of Veterans with serious mental illness.” She has done extensive work to reduce and prevent the stigmatizing attitudes and behaviors that impede recovery, particularly internalized stigma. She has worked extensively to promote positive change within the community and enhance the recovery of all those with behavioral health challenges. Her research on outcomes and change processes for psychosocial interventions, and the impact of public education programs and consumer and family led wellness and recovery support programs has been a beneficial addition to the behavioral health community and the community in general.
IoH is very fortunate to have Alicia helping us to gather outcomes data and to help us build an evidence base for the musical work IoH does in the behavioral health peer community. She has been advising us in this capacity since the inception of our organization, and is helping us to prove that we are successfully fulfilling our mission and making a true difference in the lives of people all over the region.
Alicia is in her third 2-year term on IoH's Board of Directors.
IoH is very fortunate to have Alicia helping us to gather outcomes data and to help us build an evidence base for the musical work IoH does in the behavioral health peer community. She has been advising us in this capacity since the inception of our organization, and is helping us to prove that we are successfully fulfilling our mission and making a true difference in the lives of people all over the region.
Alicia is in her third 2-year term on IoH's Board of Directors.

VICE CHAIR - MARK ASHBY - Mark is a professional audiobook narrator with more than 400 titles to his credit, most for the Library of Congress' National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, but also commercially for companies such as, Brilliance Audio, and Oasis Audio. In addition, he is active in theater projects in western Maryland, having appeared in roles such as Bob Cratchit in A Christmas Carol, Felix Ungar in The Odd Couple, and Willum Cubbert in The Nerd, among many others. He also writes and performs original sketch comedy in the group Those Guys and in 2011 staged his first full-length, semi-autobiographical play called How to Make a Baby. He founded his own nonprofit organization, called Acting Out for ALS Research, Inc. which stages community theater productions whose proceeds go to the ALS Association. Having been a musician in the past, in recent years he came back to musical pursuits as a baritone horn player in the Frostburg Arion Band, the longest continuously-active community band in the United States. His website is
Mark was an original member of the advisory board that was formed prior to IoH's inception, and has served on the Board for eleven years. Mark is in his second 2-year term.
Mark was an original member of the advisory board that was formed prior to IoH's inception, and has served on the Board for eleven years. Mark is in his second 2-year term.

SECRETARY & CO-CHAIR OF DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE - LYNNE GERSHENSON HODGSON, M.S., PhD - is a retired Professor of Sociology & Gerontology at Quinnipiac University (Hampden, CT), where she had a joyful and satisfying career in teaching, research, and service to QU. With a Bachelor's degree in Sociology from the University of Pennsylvania, a Master's and PhD in Sociology from Cornell and a Post-Doc in Gerontology from the Duke University Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development, Lynne's professional interests have focused on intergenerational relationships, family support networks, and Alzheimer's disease. Lynne brings not only her grant-writing expertise to IoH but her great enthusiasm for the goals of the organization. Lynne is a wife and mother of two, and a loving grandma to her grandchildren..
Lynne was an original member of the advisory board that was formed prior to IoH's inception, and has served as an IoH Board member for eleven years. Lynne is in her second 2-year term.
Lynne was an original member of the advisory board that was formed prior to IoH's inception, and has served as an IoH Board member for eleven years. Lynne is in her second 2-year term.

TREASURER - BRYAN JOHNSON - currently serves on the Board of Directors and is the Executive Director of On Our Own of Howard County, Inc. based in Columbia, MD. Bryan has lived in Maryland his entire life. He is a consumer and has worked as a Mental Health Peer Counselor for the Johns Hopkins Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACT), which was formerly known as a Mobile Treatment Team. Bryan is a former Board Member of Baltimore Mental Health Systems Inc. – which is now Behavioral Health System Baltimore – the local Core Service Agency for Baltimore City. Bryan is a trained WRAP Facilitator and has volunteered his time for organizations such as the Bea Gaddy Foundation, the Behavioral Health Administration and the office of Consumer Affairs Advisory Committee. Bryan is an alumnus of Coppin State University. Bryan also has worked for Helping Other People Through Empowerment, Inc. as an Activity Director from 2007 to 2010. Bryan is a firm believer of Toni Morrison’s words, “the Function of Freedom is to Free Someone Else” and he is dedicated to helping others in their behavioral health recovery and their recovery journey to wellness.
Bryan is in his third term on IoH's Board of Directors.
Bryan is in his third term on IoH's Board of Directors.

DIRECTOR - JEFF NASH, CPRP - is a Father, Husband, Son, PRP Worker, and Coach. He is employed by Sheppard Pratt, is a Certified Psychiatric Rehabilitation Practitioner, and works with an amazing group of people whose primary reason for coming to work is to help others. His journey in this field started with an internship out of UMBC and carried on from there, because of the people he works with, clients and staff. He did not grow up thinking this is what he would do, He had various aspirations, but as the years went by, he realized that it always came back to the relationships he was building and the impact they could have on people. He finds that most often his primary motivator in his decisions is how what he's doing will impact others, positively or negatively, and he lives by the motto spoken by the fictional teacher on a beloved TV Show, Mr. Feeney, “…believe in yourselves. Dream. Try. Do good.” As a father, he's learned more about himself than at any other point of time in his life. He has come to realize the impact his decisions truly have on those around him and has grown a larger appreciation for what it means to be a parent. He wants to leave behind a story and trail of positive imprints his son can be proud of, and he aims to make positive contributions to his community.
Jeff is in his second 2-year term on IoH's Board of Directors.
Jeff is in his second 2-year term on IoH's Board of Directors.

DIRECTOR - SAMIR QADIR, M.S. - is an environmental consultant/engineer with a firm based in Gaithersburg, MD. He has been involved with not just the technical side, but with all aspects of their work. This includes budgeting, project management, and marketing and business development. He is also an amateur musician (guitar) and has performed with Andy on a few occasions when Andy was doing solo concerts at mental health settings prior to forming IoH. Samir was an original member of the advisory board that was formed prior to IoH's inception. and then served for six years as a member of the IoH Board of Directors. He was the Chair for four years and the Treasurer for two years, served IoH in an advisory capacity for the past five years, and is now back on the Board in his first 2-year term.

DIRECTOR & CO-CHAIR OF DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE - CAROL SCHIFTER, ESQ. - is a semi-retired family law attorney who has had her own practice. She has served on the Ethics Committee for American Association for Marriage and Family Therapists (AAMFT), was an arbitrator for the National Better Business Bureau (NBBB), and now serves on Instruments of Healing Board of Directors. Carol got her undergraduate degree from George Washington University, and her Juris Doctor from the Catholic University School of Law. She is a wife and mother of two, and enjoys being a grandmother to her two grandchildren. Carol also enjoys being a vocalist in a local women's choir.
Carol has served on the IoH Board for ten years. Carol is in her second 2-year term on IoH's Board of Directors.
Carol has served on the IoH Board for ten years. Carol is in her second 2-year term on IoH's Board of Directors.

DIRECTOR - TONY WRIGHT, CWRE - is a mental health consumer advocate who has served as Executive Director of On Our Own, Inc. since 2004. He has expanded the organization to include 6 consumer-run behavioral health self-help centers throughout Baltimore city and county regions. Tony has augmented the On Our Own mission and vision which has served as a national model for peer operated centers, not only in Maryland, but across the country. In addition to serving on the Board of Directors of Behavioral Health System Baltimore, Inc., Tony has served as board member and Chairman of the Maryland Disability Law Center Protection and Advocacy for Persons with Mental Illness, The Integrated Care Advisory Council, On Our Own of Maryland, Inc., Chairman of Baltimore County Bureau of Behavioral Health Advisory Council, Hearts and Ears Board of Directors, Main Street Housing Board of Directors, the Mental Health
Association of Maryland Board of Directors, and recently completed 6 years with the Instruments of Healing Board of Directors, and currently serves in an
advisory capacity. Tony is also an artist in his spare time and operates a consumer operated art studio and gallery in the Baltimore area.
Tony has served on the IoH Board for nine years. He is in his second 2-year term on IoH's Board of Directors.
Association of Maryland Board of Directors, and recently completed 6 years with the Instruments of Healing Board of Directors, and currently serves in an
advisory capacity. Tony is also an artist in his spare time and operates a consumer operated art studio and gallery in the Baltimore area.
Tony has served on the IoH Board for nine years. He is in his second 2-year term on IoH's Board of Directors.

ADVISOR - FRED STIELOW, M.L.S., PhD - Vice President and Dean Emeritus Fred Stielow has been responsible for the American Public University System’s sector-leading virtual library along with its innovative Electronic Course Materials and APUS ePress initiatives. He is now retired. When he is not busy traveling the globe, Dr. Stielow serves as a U.S. Commissioner to UNESCO and continues to author books and other published material in his field.
Trained as a systems analyst in the U.S. Army, Dr. Stielow went on to earn an M.L.S. from the University of Rhode Island (URI) and dual Doctorate in History and American Studies from Indiana University. His professional career began at the New England Library Board and the University of Louisiana--Lafayette.
Stielow turned to teaching with professorial appointments at the University of Maryland and Catholic University along with visiting professorships at the universities of Illinois, Perugia, and Puerto Rico. Returning to practice in the 1990s, Stielow directed the Amistad Research Center at Tulane University and the Reuther Labor Library at Wayne State University, as well as the Mid-Hudson Public Library System. Major consultancies range from Bowie State University, National Agricultural Library, and New Orleans’ Jazz and Heritage Festival to the World Bank and Sirs-Mandarin’s M-3 Automated Library System.
He is a former chair of ALA’s Intellectual Freedom Round Table and Web Advisory Committee. Other service includes duty as a University accrediter for the Higher Learning Commission and committee co-chair for IMSGlobal’s Common Cartridge standard---as well as advisory boards for Books 24/7, Cengage’s MindTap Advisory Board, Ebrary, CourseSmart’s Accessibility Advisory Committee, Grotto Global Trade, Magnifi Group, the University of Rhode Island’s Harrington School of Communications, and on three National Park Service Commissions. Awards feature a Fulbright Fellowship in Italy, the Jameson Fellowship of the Library of Congress, an MCI Cybrarian of the Year, APUS’s Etter Creativity Prize, and Alumnus of the Year from the URI Library School. Stielow has written or edited over 100 scholarly articles and 11 books, including the award-winning Management of Oral History Sound Archives, Activism in American Librarianship, Creating Virtual Libraries, Building Digital Archives, Finding Success for Veteran & Military Students with Philip McNair, and 2013’s Reinventing the Library for Online Education.
Trained as a systems analyst in the U.S. Army, Dr. Stielow went on to earn an M.L.S. from the University of Rhode Island (URI) and dual Doctorate in History and American Studies from Indiana University. His professional career began at the New England Library Board and the University of Louisiana--Lafayette.
Stielow turned to teaching with professorial appointments at the University of Maryland and Catholic University along with visiting professorships at the universities of Illinois, Perugia, and Puerto Rico. Returning to practice in the 1990s, Stielow directed the Amistad Research Center at Tulane University and the Reuther Labor Library at Wayne State University, as well as the Mid-Hudson Public Library System. Major consultancies range from Bowie State University, National Agricultural Library, and New Orleans’ Jazz and Heritage Festival to the World Bank and Sirs-Mandarin’s M-3 Automated Library System.
He is a former chair of ALA’s Intellectual Freedom Round Table and Web Advisory Committee. Other service includes duty as a University accrediter for the Higher Learning Commission and committee co-chair for IMSGlobal’s Common Cartridge standard---as well as advisory boards for Books 24/7, Cengage’s MindTap Advisory Board, Ebrary, CourseSmart’s Accessibility Advisory Committee, Grotto Global Trade, Magnifi Group, the University of Rhode Island’s Harrington School of Communications, and on three National Park Service Commissions. Awards feature a Fulbright Fellowship in Italy, the Jameson Fellowship of the Library of Congress, an MCI Cybrarian of the Year, APUS’s Etter Creativity Prize, and Alumnus of the Year from the URI Library School. Stielow has written or edited over 100 scholarly articles and 11 books, including the award-winning Management of Oral History Sound Archives, Activism in American Librarianship, Creating Virtual Libraries, Building Digital Archives, Finding Success for Veteran & Military Students with Philip McNair, and 2013’s Reinventing the Library for Online Education.

ADVISOR - MIRIAM YARMOLINSKY, ALWF, CCAR-T, CPRS, RPS - is the Founder and Executive Director of Peer Wellness & Recovery Services, Inc. (PWRS). PWRS is a nonprofit dedicated to promoting and implementing peer services in Maryland, and is seeking creative collaborations with community partners in not only the mental health arena but also the substance use disorders and somatic side. Miriam formerly ran the Silver Spring Wellness & Recovery Center at Affiliated Santé Group for seven years, after serving on a consumer steering committee for the creation of the center. Her recovery from mental health challenges has been positively impacted by joining and working in the peer movement. She has found that a relaxed vigilance (!) coupled with a working Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP®) is essential to her wellness.
Miriam is certified as an Advanced Level WRAP® Facilitator; as a Peer Recovery Advocate through MD’s former Alcohol and Drug Abuse Administration (ADAA) in partnership with the Connecticut Community Addiction Recovery (CCAR) Recovery Coach Academy, and is certified as a Trainer of Trainers Recovery Coach instructor through CCAR. She has been a NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Peer-to-Peer mentor; and is still a NAMI Connection support group facilitator, as well as a Connections state trainer. Miriam benefited from ROSC (Recovery Oriented Systems of Care) training through ADAA. Miriam’s had several trainings with Maryland Department of Disabilities in Benefits Counseling, and is certified as a CWIC (Community Work Incentives Coordinator). She is also a CPRS (Certified Peer Recovery Specialist) and an RPS (Registered Peer Supervisor).
She has an A.S. in Advertising Design from Montgomery College; and a B.S. in Family Studies and graduate certificate in Vocational Rehabilitation, both from University of Maryland. Although she does not yet have a master's degree nor clinical licensure – and often wrestles with whether she should - she collects Continuing Education Units from all the trainings she can. She has served on the Board of On Our Own of Maryland; currently serves on the Advisory Board of Housing Unlimited, Inc.; and is a member of the Peer Integrated Care Advisory Council at Maryland's Behavioral Health Administration’s Office of Consumer Affairs, as well as on a Committee on Medicaid and Peer Support Specialists through Maryland's Behavioral Health Administration. She participates in the Montgomery County Wellness and Recovery Workgroup, as well as the county’s Job Club Committee. Miriam has also been involved with the board of Takoma Artists’ Guild, Inc. for over a decade. She is a lapsed visual artist, a recalcitrant writer, and has a keen interest in kitchen gardens. Miriam was an original member of the advisory board that was formed prior to IoH's inception, and then served as an IoH Board member for six years. Miriam currently serves IoH in an advisory capacity.
Miriam is certified as an Advanced Level WRAP® Facilitator; as a Peer Recovery Advocate through MD’s former Alcohol and Drug Abuse Administration (ADAA) in partnership with the Connecticut Community Addiction Recovery (CCAR) Recovery Coach Academy, and is certified as a Trainer of Trainers Recovery Coach instructor through CCAR. She has been a NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Peer-to-Peer mentor; and is still a NAMI Connection support group facilitator, as well as a Connections state trainer. Miriam benefited from ROSC (Recovery Oriented Systems of Care) training through ADAA. Miriam’s had several trainings with Maryland Department of Disabilities in Benefits Counseling, and is certified as a CWIC (Community Work Incentives Coordinator). She is also a CPRS (Certified Peer Recovery Specialist) and an RPS (Registered Peer Supervisor).
She has an A.S. in Advertising Design from Montgomery College; and a B.S. in Family Studies and graduate certificate in Vocational Rehabilitation, both from University of Maryland. Although she does not yet have a master's degree nor clinical licensure – and often wrestles with whether she should - she collects Continuing Education Units from all the trainings she can. She has served on the Board of On Our Own of Maryland; currently serves on the Advisory Board of Housing Unlimited, Inc.; and is a member of the Peer Integrated Care Advisory Council at Maryland's Behavioral Health Administration’s Office of Consumer Affairs, as well as on a Committee on Medicaid and Peer Support Specialists through Maryland's Behavioral Health Administration. She participates in the Montgomery County Wellness and Recovery Workgroup, as well as the county’s Job Club Committee. Miriam has also been involved with the board of Takoma Artists’ Guild, Inc. for over a decade. She is a lapsed visual artist, a recalcitrant writer, and has a keen interest in kitchen gardens. Miriam was an original member of the advisory board that was formed prior to IoH's inception, and then served as an IoH Board member for six years. Miriam currently serves IoH in an advisory capacity.